
Amazon Brand Registry – why it is worth the effort

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What is the Amazon Brand Registry and why should you join? How to join the Brand Registry?

The Amazon Brand Registry is an internal registry of trademarked brands within an online store. Registering a brand opens up a wealth of benefits for sellers that unregistered brands don’t receive. You’ll also have access to powerful tools to enhance brand protection and track brand performance on Amazon.

Brand Registry’s benefits

The brand register provides tools for maintenance and control of brand reputation and product listings. The register also gives you better protection for intellectual property rights and allows you to report infringements against your brand and product listings more effectively. You will also have access to an internal Amazon team specialised in brand management. This allows you to speed up the process of dealing with infringement issues.

Please note that being part of the brand registry does not directly grant you the right to restrict other sellers from selling your brand’s products, nor can you blacklist or whitelist specific sellers from selling your brand’s products.

Next, let’s delve into the tools and brand visibility features that the Brand Registry enables:

  • A+ content
  • Amazon Storefront
  • Sponsored ads
  • Amazon Live
  • Amazon Vine

A+ content

Undoubtedly one of the best features of the Brand Registry is the A+ content. It allows you to create engaging and converting branded content for product pages. All in all, it allows you to create a much more professional look and feel than normal text-only listings.

Check out our post about A+ content for more info!

Amazon Storefront

Being part of the brand register gives you greater opportunities to create engaging content. Storefront is one example of value-creating and engaging content. Storefront helps you create a brand page that looks like a standard e-commerce site, and you can use multiple pages to create a site that looks just like your brand.

A major advantage of this feature is that competitors’ products and ads are not displayed on this page. Therefore, you can be sure that consumers will only focus on what your brand has to offer. Please note that before the page is displayed to users, it requires separate approval from Amazon. This may take a few days.

Sponsored ads

Sponsored Ads is a PPC advertising package, of which Sponsored Brand Ads is a form of advertising that supports brand promotion.

These ads give you visibility for your brand through customised messaging. This means you can decide how your brand is perceived by consumers.

Read also: Marketing on Amazon – PPC advertising and it’s central features

Amazon Live and Vine

Amazon Live is a program that streams live videos directly from the brand’s product pages and the Amazon Live page. It allows video creators to showcase and talk about products, providing engaging content for shoppers.

Amazon Vine is a tool through which brands can receive product reviews. Vine reviewers receive free products in exchange for leaving a review of the product. Vine is useful for new brands as well as new product launches, as reviews are important for a product’s search engine ranking.

Customer insight

The Brand Registry gives you more comprehensive information about your customers. Amazon provides brands with a range of analytical tools to support measurement and content development:

  • Search query performance: an overview of a brand’s keyword performance and consumer search behaviour. You can use search volume, brand market share, click-through-rate (CTR), basket add rate or purchase rate as metrics.
  • Market basket analysis: which brand products are purchased by customers together. You can use this for cross-selling and creating product bundles. Or why not to develop new products!
  • Repeat purchase behaviour: you can use this tool for repurchase management and new customer acquisition, among other things.
  • Search catalog performance: see how customers behave with your brand throughout the purchase path. Better understand your sales pipeline through key metrics such as impressions, clicks and purchases.
  • Demographics: an important report for customer insight, showing customer characteristics by age, income, education, gender and marital status.

Brand Protection

You can protect your intellectual property rights on Amazon, backed by a dedicated in-house team.

  • Marketplace violation reporting, including the manipulation of false complaints and feedback
  • Reporting listing issues, including incorrect product information, product variation information, and blocked listings
  • Reporting of intellectual property infringements
  • Reporting technical problems (including reporting on page loading or SC home page functionality)
  • Escalation of previous complaints and support tickets

Amazon’s Transparency programme provides additional protection for the brand (and customers) against counterfeit products. You need to join the programme separately, then add the Transparency codes to the products you sell. They allow Amazon to ensure that it is sending authentic products to consumers, who can then use the code to verify the authenticity of the product they have purchased.

Applying for a trademark

Access to the Amazon brand registry requires a trademark. For Finnish sellers, this still means that they have to apply for an EU-wide trademark, as a trademark registered in Finland alone is not yet accepted.

Amazon’s IP Accelerator service has been created to speed up access to the Brand Registry. A trademark application made through the service will give the seller access to the benefits of the Brand Registry even if the application has not yet been approved. Otherwise, a pre-approved trademark is required to access the Brand Registry.

If you want to start selling in the US, IP Accelerator is a service worth considering, as the application process can take up to a year. By using the IP Accelerator, you can often have access to the services of the Brand Registry in just a few weeks.

Getting started on Amazon is quick and relatively inexpensive, but success requires an understanding of the e-commerce giant’s business logic. Getting to the top of Amazon’s search results requires a careful strategy and continuous optimisation. Our knowledgeable journey leaders will be happy to discuss your business’s potential in the ecommerce jungle with you – feel free to contact us!