
Marketing on Amazon – A+ content and its relevance to Amazon sales

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Standing out in the e-commerce jungle is difficult, but necessary. Amazon is full of products competing for consumers’ attention, which makes it all the more important to have product-listing features that embellish your product listings. Amazon provides sellers with an A+ content package that makes the brand appearance and product pages stylish, engaging and content-rich.

What it A+ content?

A+ content is displayed on Amazon product pages as diverse images, infographics, videos and more detailed product descriptions. Below is an example of what A+ content in product detail pages can look like:

Sellerapp, 2024

Amazons A+ content is an important resource for brands that want to differentiate their products. It’s a toolkit that allows sellers to create content that enhances product listings with brand stories, high-quality images and compelling graphics, among other things. There are three levels of A+ content, Basic A+, Premium A+ (A++) and Brand Story. Brand Story always appears before other A+ content and looks like this:

Brand Story allows you to tell and show your brand’s story and engage consumers with your brand. A brand story does not have a direct impact on the sale of a specific product, but if done well, it will raise consumer awareness of your brand and get them interested in your products. Brand content also makes it easier to make a purchasing decision, especially if you have to choose between two similar products.

A+ content creation is accessible from Seller Central if the seller has a brand that is trademarked and registered with Amazon’s brand registry. A+ premium content is available if the brand has Brand Story content on each product page and at least 15 approved A+ projects in the last 12 months. A+ Premium eligibility is checked at the beginning of each month and is free for the time being for all those who meet the criteria.

Benefits of A+

Well-created A+ content has a positive impact on the brand as a whole. It helps you stand out from the crowd and tell your brand story to consumers. You can also provide richer and more detailed product information to help consumers make purchasing decisions. A+ content plays a role in both individual product and brand conversion.

According to Amazon’s own research, the average increase in conversion is around 5.6% if a seller uses A+ content on product pages. According to Jungle Scout, well-done A+ content is beneficial for best-selling products, but it alone will not improve sales of slow-moving products. The best strategy is to use both A+ content and a good PPC strategy.

A+ content allows you to target product descriptions to different buyers. Consumers who like to browse product pages appreciate the fact that a few well-done graphics give them all the information they need. On the other hand, there are consumers who spend time reading product descriptions and are served by more detailed texts.

Unlike with listing texts, using A+ content means you are not limited to 2,000 characters, but can showcase the best aspects and features of your product in an engaging way. Amazon allows you to add many different modules to your product page to showcase your products in the most versatile way possible and engage shoppers with your product and brand.

Getting started on Amazon is quick and relatively inexpensive, but success requires an understanding of the e-commerce giant’s business logic. Getting to the top of Amazon’s search results requires a careful strategy and continuous optimisation. Our knowledgeable journey leaders will be happy to discuss your business’s potential in the ecommerce jungle with you – feel free to contact us!