
Where do you first look for products when you consider shopping online?

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Your answer may vary greatly compared to the global majority. In Finland, many of us are used to using Google to search for products or heading directly to specialised online shops to browse the options. But in Amazon’s sphere of influence, the situation is quite different.

In this blog, we’ll go through data that will help you understand why Amazon is also an important shopping platform for many Finnish brands and what it takes to succeed on Amazon.

More than 50% of US consumers start directly from Amazon

According to a survey conducted by Jungle Scout, more than 50% of US adults will start searching for products directly on Amazon in 2023. This figure rises even higher when focusing solely on the younger Generation Z. The younger people are, the stronger their propensity to shop on one-stop online marketplaces like Amazon.

In second place on Jungle Scout’s list is the US retailer Walmart, but it is almost 20 % behind Amazon among the younger generation.

So why do people choose Amazon as the starting point for their product search?

Especially in the US market, Amazon is known as a broad platform that covers almost all product categories. It therefore seems natural for many people to start searching for products directly from the Amazon search engine.

Amazon’s search function offers instant price comparison between different providers, a large number of user reviews and an excellent and reliable logistics network. This easy-to-use platform makes shopping effortless, which is one of the reasons for Amazon’s high popularity and high conversion rate.

Read also: How does Amazon conversion differ from conversion in a traditional online store?

Amazon’s high conversion rate is mainly due to the fact that visitors come to the site mainly to make a purchase. While on other websites and Google searches people may be looking for information, solutions or help with their problems, on Amazon they are usually looking for products they already want. Thus, when a customer arrives at Amazon, they are usually already quite a long way down the shopping path compared to, for example, searching for information on Google.

On Amazon, around 70% of purchases are made from the first page – but how do you get there?

In one respect, however, the Google and Amazon search engines are very similar. On both search engines, the vast majority of purchases are made on the first page of a search.

The vast majority of users never go to the next pages, but make their decision entirely on the basis of the first page. Again, this places a critical importance on distinctiveness and product idea and ranking in search results.