
Selling on Amazon – things you have to sort out

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What do I need to have in place before I start selling on Amazon? How should I prepare to start selling on Amazon?

The Amazon marketplace offers unique opportunities for businesses to grow internationally, but its complex ecosystem and rules often require careful study before starting to sell. In this article, we’ll cover the important things you should consider before starting to sell on Amazon.

Read also: Clearing your road to Amazon: How to get started?

1. Category restrictions on Amazon – Are you allowed to sell your products?

The first thing to check is whether your products can be sold on Amazon. Amazon has strict rules on what products can be sold on the platform in general and which product categories require special permissions. The list of prohibited products includes, for example, products for espionage, gambling and weapons. Some categories of products, such as alcohol, pharmaceuticals and certain types of cosmetics, are strictly regulated and require specific authorisations. It is important to check whether your products fall into the restricted categories and what steps you need to take to legally sell your products on Amazon.

If you are unsure about the eligibility of your products, we are happy to help.

2. Licensing your products – What do I need to do to sell my products on Amazon?

Before you can list your products on Amazon, you need to go through the authorisation process. This may include submitting various documents such as a business registration certificate, tax documents, product safety certificates and product code certificates. If your product category requires special licensing, Amazon may also require category-specific supporting documents and certificates. Make sure you have all the required documentation ready before starting the process to avoid delays and possible rejections.

Also read: Product codes on Amazon – what, why and when?

3. The overall competitive landscape on Amazon – What kind of competition will my products face?

Understanding the competition for your products is key to success on Amazon. Research your competitors: how many reviews they have, what the average number of reviews is, what features are offered, and how their products are priced. This information will help you understand market expectations and give you a realistic idea of how your products stack up against the competition. A deep understanding of market expectations and competitors is one of the most important pillars of selling on Amazon, and an essential part of phase 1 of our service path. Our experts will be happy to discuss the potential of your products on Amazon.

Read also: Amazon sellers’ outlook for 2024.

4. Product demand on Amazon – Is there enough demand for your products?

Before you start listing a product, it is important to find out if there is enough demand for it on Amazon. Despite Amazon’s gigantic size, there are still product categories on the platform with very low search volumes. Take advantage of the rich data available on Amazon and see how often people search for your product using different keywords. Categories with little or no search traffic can be difficult to grow even with extensive marketing efforts. The amount of demand varies greatly between product categories and Amazon markets. For example, it is much more common in the recent Amazon market in Europe to encounter insufficient demand than, for example, in the US. If you are unsure about the demand for your product on Amazon, please contact YAP’s experts.

Read also: How will buying on Amazon evolve in 2024?

5. Amazon keyword research – What keywords are used to search for products on Amazon?

Keyword research is an essential part of your success on Amazon. Understand what keywords potential customers are using to search for your products and optimise your product page using these keywords. In the same way as in the Google search engine, for example, search engine optimisation of your content is paramount to the visibility of your products on Amazon. Using a variety of tools, you can also look at how your competitors are ranking for the most important keywords and consider your chances of competing for search rankings. An accurate understanding of your products’ keywords is one of the most important prerequisites for success on Amazon. Our skilled travel guides are happy to help with keyword research and content optimisation.

What do I need to have in place before I start selling on Amazon? How should I prepare to start selling on Amazon?

The Amazon marketplace offers unique opportunities for businesses to grow internationally, but its complex ecosystem and rules often require careful study before starting to sell. In this article, we’ll cover the important things you should consider before starting to sell on Amazon.

Read also: paving the way to Amazon: how to get started.

  1. Category restrictions on Amazon – Are you allowed to sell your products?

The first thing to check is whether your products can be sold on Amazon. Amazon has strict rules on what products can be sold on the platform in general and which product categories require special permissions. The list of prohibited products includes, for example, products for espionage, gambling and weapons. Some categories of products, such as alcohol, pharmaceuticals and certain types of cosmetics, are strictly regulated and require specific authorisations. It is important to check whether your products fall into the restricted categories and what steps you need to take to legally sell your products on Amazon.

If you are unsure about the eligibility of your products, we are happy to help.

  1. Licensing your products – What do I need to do to sell my products on Amazon?

Before you can list your products on Amazon, you need to go through the authorisation process. This may include submitting various documents such as a business registration certificate, tax documents, product safety certificates and product code certificates. If your product category requires special licensing, Amazon may also require category-specific supporting documents and certificates. Make sure you have all the required documentation ready before starting the process to avoid delays and possible rejections.

Also read: product codes on Amazon – what, why and when?

  1. The overall competitive landscape on Amazon – What kind of competition will my products face?

Understanding the competition for your products is key to success on Amazon. Research your competitors: how many reviews they have, what the average number of reviews is, what features are offered, and how their products are priced. This information will help you understand market expectations and give you a realistic idea of how your products stack up against the competition. A deep understanding of market expectations and competitors is one of the most important pillars of selling on Amazon, and an essential part of Phase 1 of our service path. Our experts will be happy to discuss the potential of your products on Amazon.

Read also: Amazon sellers’ outlook for 2024.

  1. Product demand on Amazon – Is there enough demand for your products?

Before you start listing a product, it is important to find out if there is enough demand for it on Amazon. Despite Amazon’s gigantic size, there are still product categories on the platform with very low search volumes. Take advantage of the rich data available on Amazon and see how often people search for your product using different keywords. Categories with little or no search traffic can be difficult to grow even with extensive marketing efforts. The amount of demand varies greatly between product categories and Amazon markets. For example, it is much more common in the recent Amazon market in Europe to encounter insufficient demand than, for example, in the US. If you are unsure about the demand for your product on Amazon, please contact YAP’s experts.

Read also: How will Amazon shopping evolve in 2024?

  1. Amazon keyword research – What keywords are used to search for products on Amazon?

Keyword research is an essential part of your success on Amazon. Understand what keywords potential customers are using to search for your products and optimise your product page using these keywords. In the same way as in the Google search engine, for example, search engine optimisation of your content is paramount to the visibility of your products on Amazon. Using a variety of tools, you can also look at how your competitors are ranking for the most important keywords and consider your chances of competing for search rankings. An accurate understanding of your products’ keywords is one of the most important prerequisites for success on Amazon. Our knowledgeable travel managers are happy to help with keyword research and content optimisation.

Starting to sell on Amazon requires thorough preparation and an understanding of how the platform works. By taking the above into account, you can ensure that you are ready to meet the challenges and opportunities that Amazon presents.