
Marketing on Amazon – How to differentiate from competition

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Amazon marketing, which has been the subject of our blog in the past, is an important element if you want to succeed in selling on Amazon. In this blog, we’ve put five key elements on the table to help you stand out from the competition.

Brand story

Telling a brand story is a powerful way to create an emotional connection with your customer base. At the heart of brand stories is communicating your brand values, mission and selling points.

Product pages on Amazon can feel impersonal at times, so adding brand story content will help your brand stand out and stay top of mind with customers.

Some of the ways to leverage brand advertising on Amazon include:

  • Creating engaging brand introductions
  • Using high quality images to highlight your brand and showcase the best of your products
  • Leverage Amazon Storefront to create a cohesive brand experience

Implementing Amazon’s advertising tools

Amazon offers a comprehensive suite of advertising tools to help you increase your visibility, drive traffic to your product pages and boost sales. Amazon offers a range of advertising packages, which we have previously explored on our blog.

To maximise the benefits of Amazon advertising, it is important that you have the support of thorough keyword research. Using that, you can identify relevant and high-converting keywords for products and their ads.

Constant monitoring and optimisation of your advertising in terms of price, targeting and ad images is a key part of effective Amazon advertising. Feel free to experiment with different ad formats and targeting strategies to identify the ones that work best for your brand.

Data analysis to stay ahead of the curve

You can use both Amazon’s own reporting and analytics tools and external providers to support data analysis. With the data from Amazon, you can study customer behaviour, monitor market trends and what your competitors are doing to keep up with the race.

With analytical tools, you should monitor at least the following metrics:

  • Sales
  • Site traffic
  • Conversion rate
  • Customer feedback

By tracking and measuring these, you can assess the success of your marketing and identify areas for improvement. Also use the tools to monitor competitors’ prices and offers to identify differentiators and new niches.

Use predictive analytics to support decision-making for future demand and inventory optimisation. Plan marketing campaigns more effectively and prepare for changing customer needs.

Create attractive product pages

Images and text descriptions are often a shopper’s first contact with products in online stores. With high-quality, Amazon-compliant images and videos, you can highlight all the best features and differentiators of your product. By using lifestyle images, for example, to support the main image, you can showcase the features of your product in practice.

High-quality images ensure a good first impression, but texts optimised for search and purchase experience are also key for customers making a purchasing decision. With clear text, you can highlight key product features, benefits and other unique selling points.

Embedding relevant keywords in the product title, listing text and product description helps with search engine visibility. Careful keyword analysis ensures that keywords match buyers’ searches.

Make the most of customer feedback

The role of customer feedback from the buyer’s perspective is highlighted in Amazon and online shopping in general. Products with good reviews are more likely to get people to buy. You can encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback on your products and use Amazon Vine when launching new products.

Monitor and respond to customer reviews promptly to show that you value customer feedback. You can also use customer feedback to support your marketing efforts by highlighting positive-toned quotes, e.g. in your web ads.

Getting started on Amazon is quick and relatively inexpensive, but success requires an understanding of the e-commerce giant’s business logic. Getting to the top of Amazon’s search results requires a careful strategy and continuous optimisation. Our knowledgeable journey leaders will be happy to discuss your business’s potential in the ecommerce jungle with you – feel free to contact us!